Me & My Heart Part-2


Next morning well technically same morning I woke up at 9 AM and was feeling a little better the sleep had probably calmed my heart down. But the moment I started doing any activity the heart was pounding. My parents told me to see the doc as we should not neglect the matters of heart that too now-a-days. So quite reluctantly I went to see the doc. Who examined and saw the BP was high and said to go and get an ECG(Electrocardiogram) done.

So I went to ECG room with my Dad and the technician mistook my Dad for the patient which was quite natural coz nobody expects a ‘normal’ young guy going for Cardiac tests. So after ECG the doctor said things seem to be fine and he gave me some tablets and said to see him after 5 days.  I was on treatment though I was feeling better but still the heart would start pounding at the slightest provocation.

I went to see the doctor again in 5 days and after examining me said that apparently things seem to be fine but it’ll be good if  I go for a couple of tests like Echo Cardiogram and TMT. Though I thought it was unnecessary but like I said parents wanted to be sure and since we have a family history of cardiac problems so I had to relent.

I called up the centre and was given an appointment on morning 8 AM now that was a torture because you see to reach the centre by 8 I had to start at 7 that meant waking up at 6.30 which seemed impossible but with Mom at helm nothing was impossible so I was there at the centre though 30 mins late. Let me tell you I am generally very punctual and never missed flights or trains because they were all in the second half of the day not ‘early’ morning never. Again the dilemma occurred and the attendant started leading my dad and was surprised to see me as the patient.

They said first they’ll do Echo test and then TMT and the cardiologist was a smiling lady who said to me go nude I mean she told me to remove my shirt. See what I had to do for my heart I mean I am not Salman Khan or Arnold but there I had to take my shirt off in front of parai(unknown) lady. Just was wondering what happens to women patients anyway I was told to lie down in a particular posture she started the test and asked few routine question like why was I there in first place etc. Which I answered sincerely. Meanwhile she was speaking with her colleague regarding some issue with commission and referrals. Then she asked me about my mother tongue and seemed relieved to know that she was not speaking in my mother tongue but what she didn’t realize is that though I don’t speak any of the South Indian languages but do understand most of them(psst… don’t tell anybody…it helps me a lot when people reveal their darkest secrets in front of me without fear). During the Echo test I listened to my heart actually I had listened to my heart once earlier when in my home town I had visited our family doctor for some tummy problem(thats most common reason for my doctor visits till date. what else do you expect from a foodie?). So doctor uncle had held the stethoscope to my ears and said to listen to my heart  and it sounded so rhythmic. It was nice to hear my heart once again. Don’t they say we should listen to our heart always well I think we should.

After Echo test I was told by the cardiologist to go to another room for the next test. When I started putting my shirt on she told I have to remove it again so do I need to put it on. I nodded yes because obviously I was no Macho like John Abraham or Daniel Craig and didn’t want to walk bare chested through the reception full of different people moreover the receptionist was married anyway. The TMT is a Treadmill Stress Test and I was wired up and was told to walk on treadmill for about 11 mins at different speeds and elevation. It was quite easy for me as I was already used to treadmills at gym but this time it was with all the wires listening to my heart and trying to figure out its secrets. The cardiologist asked what medication was I on and she said that the doctor had started the medicine without any diagnosis didn’t know whether she was questioning my doctor or complimenting  his prudence. She said report was normal except for one small issue for which I should continue the prescribed medicine.

I went back to the doctor with the reports and he looked at them and started thinking and scratching his beard and was silent. I knew I myself don’t understand my heart how come a doctor will. But my father was getting tense and then the doctor said everything is normal except a small situation or condition. Which he said is not a problem and told a very difficult name for the condition. Why do medical names have to be so cryptic I thought. BTW neither me or my Dad remember the name. Anyway he said that I have to continue the medicine and my heart has grown a little bigger. He explained like we workout to build our biceps similarly the heart muscles had grown a bit. I was wondering what workout did I do previously that built my heart muscles instead of biceps. My dad asked the doctor how did it happen the doctor said it happens in some people and we need not worry and just need to keep taking the medicine to bring back my heart to shape and checking up with a cardiologist once a year or so to ensure everything is fine.

He also said no lifestyle changes required but he would like me to reduce my weight. ahem I myself wanted to do that. Well as the medicines bring back my heart to size clinically don’t you think its always great to have a very big heart literally. Finally if I have disappointed with ‘clinical’ details of my heart rather than a juicy post about my heart’s condition please forgive me afterall it is the story of  Me & My Heart.

PS: You see this is one of the reason why you find me missing from the blogosphere off late. Actually I have started gyming and cannot be up late night and my work is on full swing so no time there as well. So you may find me absent for sometime but I’ll be back with a new vigour. Also an earnest request don’t write “Get well soon” comments as the doctor said its not any disease and I am quite fine just need to be little watchful of my heart.

If I were a Baby Again


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 4; the fourth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

If I were a Baby Now

I would be pampered Wow!

No need to worry about anything,

Only a cry was enough to set things rolling.


Everyone would want to hold me or play with me

and I would be the apple of their eye.

If I were a  Baby Now,

Everyone would say Wow,

Look he knows this is a TV remote,

and that is a Cell-Phone!


But then I would be very dependent

cause they would be clueless and,

When I cry out of hunger,

would look at my nappy for answer.

Also I would be given only Milk, Dalia & Lactogen

No beer, whiskey or chilly chicken.


If I were a Baby now

to write these lines pen would ask how?

After the awesome poem lets have a mind-blowing 55-Fiction 😉

“See Maa how he’s behaving, Don’t know who’s the father and who’s the son ” uttered Shonali disgustingly looking at the antics of Varun and Tikloo.

“Don’t worry beta it runs in their blood even I had same complaint with your Sasurji” smiled Uma reminiscing How her husband would become a baby alongwith Varun.

Note: Sasurji= Father-in-law

This 55-Fiction is inspired from the poem of the great Hindi poetess Subhadra Kumari Chauhan‘s “Mera Naya Bachpan“. The poem is in Hindi(Sorry non-Hindi readers I couldn’t find an English translation) and if you have not read it then take sometime and read it(non-Hindi reader ask for assistance). Its a classic poem where poetess remembers fondly about her own childhood but her daughter makes it up by making her reliving the childhood through her innocent deeds.

We always wish that we could go back to our childhood/babyhood but truth is we cannot as time only goes forward unless ofcourse if you have a time machine. So what we can do is become a baby or a child once again by being with children(our own or anybody else’s) and becoming a part of their innocent universes.

Regarding the poem I have to say is that its one of the worst written pieces of my life and if you actually have read through it then I really appreciate your patience and courage (Yes you need that to read a pathetic poem.  I must tell you last blog-a-ton we had so many awesome poems so I thought let me try it this time and result is in front of you). I know I’ll  lose all votes because I put it at beginning and people might have abandoned the post itself after first two lines.(Note: I had got only 1vote in one edition… thanks to Sid aka Ravan, So votes do not matter really but reader’s torture does buddy !!!). So Read it, Curse it and Forget it but do let me know how was the 55-Fiction or the post in general?

PS : Interesting stats …. posts were getting longer but this whole baby thing made it shorter so to save yourselves suggest such tricky topics ….

If I were a Baby again – 580 words

The Indian Dream         – 978 words

Teachers AajKal          – 884 words

Cream & Scum of Blogging – 489 words

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Goodbyes,Welcomes, Neil Nitin Mukesh and Diverse Bangalore


If you are perplexed about the strange title  and trying to figure out the connections then don’t do it. Read the post till the end and then throw shoes, tomatoes, rotten eggs and whatever you feel like on me. The story goes like this.

This Saturday I had to drop my sister to airport for an early morning flight also one my Old friends from my school who was in town was to leave at almost same time so it was a double see off for me. The flights were scheduled at 8.25 & 9.15 respectively. But as you know the Bangalore International Airport is so far that one has to start very early and we had to start at 5.45 Am. Just guess on a Saturday it felt like midnight when my mom & sister kicked me out of bed at 5.30 AM (I was supposed to be up by ahem …4.30 AM  so absurd). So somehow half sleep half awake we reached airport and the cab guy actually made it really fast and we reached by 6.45 well ahead of time but I asked my sister to go in and I waited outside for my friend.

He came almost then and cursed me for giving wrong info about the commute time and he reached more than 2 hrs before time. But I reasoned the lack of traffic in early morning and faster cabs was the reason for miscalculation.
So we caught up on the old times and remembered all misdeeds of those good old days and were laughing our a*** off catching strange looks from onlookers cause we were near departure gates and generally people are serious and anxious for their departures. Actually we have been like this since school days though we are now ‘responsible men’ but we become we when we are together.  So after reliving those crazy times my friend left off.

I  still had to wait because I had strict instructions from my mom to stay till my sister’s plane takes off. You know how moms are she is perfectly aware of the procedures at airport, that a visitor has got nothing to do once the passenger gets past the main entrance gate but  I am mama’s good boy you see.

So with nothing to do but wait I started observing the people around and as usual there were so many travelers and people who have come to see them off. Actually the scenes at an airport/ railway station / bus station amuses me a lot. Always you’ll see people saying goodbyes to their loved ones many times trying to stop their tears. You get to see plethora of human emotions which is somewhat similar always. Like there was one married girl who was traveling alone I guess maybe first time and her mom was busy clicking here parting shots on mobile with requests to smile back not understanding that poor girl had to push the huge luggage trolley and also show her ticket, id card to the security officer. But I guess all moms are alike and probably she’ll not see her child a long time so the frantic photo session. Then there was a group of IT professionals who were leaving abroad probably. How did I guess? You see a crow identifies a crow easier. I mean I have been in this industry for so many years I know better. One guy’s dad was shouting last minute instructions to his dikhra about travel docs,passports and the theplas packed or one sister was hugging tight her little sister and asking sternly not to cry who was trying real hard to stop the tears. Emotions, emotions and emotions.

On the other side at the arrival gates there was welcome hugs, feet touching and smiles. Emotions of another type. There were others who were searching their name placards maybe landing in city first time. The scene in a railway station is mostly same only difference is that you are with the traveler till the train is actually moving and people can hold hands right till the end.

The airports, railway stations excite me a lot for I love traveling and I feel like getting into one of trains or planes and leave. While I was watching the biggest show on earth called ‘life’ unfolding and me framing a ‘winner post’ for the blog (Don’t laugh like Shilpa once said we bloggers always think posts) I saw a familiar looking young Gora(White),thin but very handsome  guy getting in and I was trying to figure out how do I know him as he was just few feet away from me on the other side of barricade. Just then I heard an exicted girl telling her boyfriend “look its Neil Nitin Mukesh” then Jhonny Gaddar flashed through my mind and was about to jump the barricade but by then he had reached the security and was gone and I was left trying to figure really I was so close to one of the hottest rising star of Bollywood yet couldn’t recognize him in time.  I quickly messaged my sister about the fact that I may have seen NNM to which she replied it was NNM cause he was in city last Friday and probably returning and chidded me for being such a dumb not to get an autograph at least. But Guys nobody actually noticed him because he looked so different from his onscreen look. Anyway my sister informed that she has boarded, seated and flight is about to leave and I updated my mom and walked towards the BIAL volvo buses. One of the Bus that goes nearest to my house was just starting to leave so quickly got into it for home.

So Goodbyes, Welcomes and Neil Nitin Mukesh all connected in a single post but wait what about diverse Bangalore. Well its like this while I was on the Bus which had a few foriegn travellers as well, stopped at a signal on the NH-7 there was a shining BMW, a road roller, a state of art BMTC Volvo A/C bus(our bus), a two wheeler with two sheep, two men and a tractor with grass stack all jostling for the same road space well thats Bangalore for you when you enter this city like my friends say a “Global Village”.

Lights, Sound & Action


Well I am back again after a longgggg gap. I hope each of you had a Sparkling, Safe & Green Diwali. For me this was a little different Diwali this year. Yeah it started with lighting Diyas, Sparklers, Anars, ground Chakars but ended with real Dhamaka courtesy my friends.

Actually since the ban of sound crackers in my home city Kolkata Diwali has been quite affair actually its been “Deepavalli” the festival of light with just lighting the Diya and the like above. Even after coming to Bangalore the tradition has not been altered much (Austerity drive I guess).  You must know that Bengalis celebrate Diwali by worshiping Goddess Kali. A very unique puja which is started at midnight and goes on till very late night. So the memories of offering Puja to Maa Kali at night and waiting for the bhog(prasad) next morning are still afresh. Its also said that this is night of MahaKaal that is all the spirits descend to earth and those who follow tantrik rituals its a big night for them.


TubriWhen I was very young my Grandfathers(I mean Grandfather and his brothers), my uncles, cousins used to make crackers at home. Yes once Durga Puja was over they would get into preparation right from making the Charcoal to buying all the ingredients. The house would resemble mini cracker factory with each and every member contributing in their own possible roles. We kids roles were mostly to keep a watch over things like the Tubri(Anars in earthen shells) were sun dried properly. And on the D-day we all got together and bursted crackers I mean the Anars, Rong Mosals etc which were home made. In Bengal we have tradition of Tubri competition were the competitors compete to showcase their creativity and ingenuity of making the Tubris. You know some of flares or sparkle from the anars would rise to 30 feet or more. So who ever able to make them reach highest would be the winner :D.

Then came “nuclear” families and we couldnot takeover the tradition and hardwork of those old timers and moreover where did we have so much space and freedom in our ‘apartment’ houses(flat bari). So I like my friends “graduated” on to bombs specially Burima’s Chocolate bomb(Used to be the best & loudest brand of bombs in Bengal).  We used to set off these bomb at weird places like letter boxes or bushes or tins to create maximum noise and destruction(I know its an offense now but what else can you expect from alpha-male teenagers). There was flip side of it as well like bomb exploding ‘too’ close deafening and blinding us for some time but we felt that it was worth the ‘risk'(Did the hot girl next door notice the bravity? Well she never told). Then the ‘Rockets’ would get misdirected and hit windows and verandas of ‘enemies’ 😀 (people who objected to our galli cricket .payback time Guys). BTW the Rockets sometime chased daylights out of us as well(Comeon they were not made by ISRO so lacked the precision). But it got all stopped due to West Bengal Pollution Control Board and Kolkata High Court making it illegal for sound crackers and several other ‘popular’ crackers and I too ‘grew up’ or maybe ‘woke up’ (I was a fresh working professional  by then and not a college-going kid for God’s Sake).

Then destiny brought me to Bangalore and was surprised to see the vengenance with which people burst bombs here. But now it was not that fun felt rather irritated also needed to duck and jump out when some ‘lousy’ kid set-off a bomb on my way. Like I was saying earlier this year was no different like the ones before remember the ‘Austere Diwali’, So I had settled down to watch ‘Bunty & Babli’ on TV. It was then my friends called me out said me join them for a Diwali Party which I had to join and after a few pegs came out the ‘hydrogen’ bombs, ‘Atom’ bombs and what not (They were enough to blow off your ears off if not the world!). Well it was all so sudden that I took the ‘safest’ job of holding the candle so that others can light crackers from it but seeing my comrades hurling bombs with fervor my old self got better of me . But lack of practice for long years made me very shaky no it was not alcohol guys(I have stopped it for quite sometime). So apprehensively I took out a bomb and lighted it from the candle and threw it as far as it could go but it landed near to my friend’s neighbour’s dog but the brave creature just moved a bit after the blast. I think it had already turned deaf but the owner wasn’t amused as the dog was sitting at his masters doorstep so naturally the owner threatened. None my comrades wanted a brawl afterall we are all ‘outsiders’ here. So We moved to more open space and I went back to the role of Candle bearer for my comrades in arm. It was fun to relive those old moments but I must say bombs are really not good for anyone but a small number of them can be bursted just for the fun basically festival is time to celebrate but obviously not at anybody’s cost but still.

legends-of-bhaidoojToday is Bhai Phonta or Bhai dooj as its called in some parts its similar to Rakhi. In this festival sisters of Bengal put tilak(Phonta) on the forehead of their brothers for their well being and blessings if the brother is older which I am. They say “Bhaiyer kopaley dilam phonta, jomer dwarey porle kanta, jomuna dey jom ke phonta ami di amar bhai ke phonta, Bhai jeno hoy lohar vata.” (tr: I am putting the tilak on my brother’s forehead so its putting thorns in front of pearly gates of Yamraj, Yamuna does the same thing for her brother Yama I do it for my brother, so my brother becomes Iron man 😀 ). So we cosmopolitan Bengali Brothers get this honor from our sisters twice that is once in Rakhi and once in Bhai phonta :D. Oh!!! Did I mention that Bhais(brothers) get some of choicest & best mistis(Sweets) along with Phonta ofcourse if you are in Bengal.

With this the month long festivities that started with Durga Puja ends and people specially school kids in Bengal return to school. Holidays are over and work begins :D.  So as life gets back to its mundane rythm lets keep waiting for another year and Wish you all the year is filled with Joy, Happiness & Prosperity.

PS: Guess what I have got as ‘Bhai Phonta’ gift … Guess Guess !!! Two cute little fishes in a cute little bowl …. Thank you Sis !!! They are really cute 🙂 & hyperactive running swimming busily in their little bowl 😀

Images Coursey :

Bijoya Dashami



So the day has again come. A day when bongs tearfully bid goodbye to their beloved mother Godess Ma Durga. Who had come ‘home’ with her children to bless all of us and give us power to fight the ‘evils’ for the whole year. Its Bijoya Dashami today actually its called Vijaya Dashmi[] in rest of India. Its a day when Indians celebrate victory(Vijay) of Good over Evil.
In Bengal its the end of the festivities of the Durga Puja. The Durga puja[] is a very unique festival celebrated by people of Bengal. Whole state stops everything to worship the Godess for 4 days. If you have ever been in Bengal during the Durga Pujas you would know what I am talking about. Actually this festival is not confined to the State we Bongs celebrate it in our own way wherever we are that is from Bangalore to Switzerland.

So the day has again come. A day when bongs tearfully bid goodbye to their beloved mother Godess Ma Durga. Who had come ‘home’ with her children to bless all of us and give us power to fight the ‘evils’ for the whole year. Its Bijoya Dashami today actually its called Vijaya Dashmi in rest of India. Its a day when Indians celebrate victory(Vijay) of Good over Evil.

In Bengal its the end of the festivities of the Durga Puja. The Durga puja is a very unique festival celebrated by people of Bengal. Whole state stops everything to worship the Godess for 5 days. If you have ever been in Bengal during the Durga Pujas you would know what I am talking about. Actually this festival is not confined to the State we Bongs celebrate it in our own way wherever we are that is from Bangalore to Switzerland.


Vijay Dashmi also marks a begining of another unique phenomenon for Bengalis called ‘Bijoya‘. Its a tradition of spreading universal brotherhood. Its a time when Bengalis visit each other with sweets and Wish each other “Shubho Bijoya” and men do ‘Kolakuli’ a tradition where people Hug eachother in a particular way. The ‘Kolakuli’ is ofcourse for same age guys and pronam(touching feet) for the elders. You get a treat of Narkel nadu(coconut laddo), Nimki(a snack ref pic), Ghugni(white peas curry) etc.  This visits can go upto diwali so quite a long period to cover as much ground as possible. Nowadays ofcourse most of the Bijoya is done through phone, email, SMS, Chat, Scraps, Facebook, Tweets(latest addition).

So as the women get ready for “Sindur Khela” and men get ready for the immersion procedures, kids get sad for the end of festivities I sit here thousands of miles away from my hometown and look back to those good old days when I would be in Kolkata and do what every Bengali in Kolkata does during the pujas go pandal hopping then all those ‘pujo prems’( Puja Love stories) ya pujo also meant a time for boys n girls find mates sometimes the relationship lasted only the puja days but many times it lasted lifetime. Actually theres a lot to write about Durga Pujo in Kolkata particular but wouldn’t like to burden you with a very long post which will not be relevant to you. I leave you with some recipes and lots and lots Good Wishes for Dussera and for Bong readers “Shubho Bijaya”.

Images Courtesy :,

Teachers : Aaj Kal


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 2, the second edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

shankara_edit02Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara. Guru Sakshath Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha. (tr: Guru is the creator Brahma, Guru is the preserver Vishnu, Guru is the destroyer Siva. Guru is directly the supreme spirit — I offer my salutations to this Guru.) -Adi Shankara

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thoughts controlled
There is no sarcasm in the class room
Teachers leave them kids alone
hey teachers leave them kids alone!
– Pink Floyd

Though I voted for this topic but when I sat down to write about it I found that I am a not a “student” anymore its been about decade I had anything to do with a “Shikshak” or teacher so How do I write about ‘Teachers Aaj’ part. But since this is a topic at hand I go ahead and write.

Do you think the two quotes above are inappropriate or out of place. I mean first one was written ages ago and the next one not so long ago but it holds true still today. And don’t they provide a very contrasting view.

Ok lets talk of the topic “Teachers – AajKal” or teachers now and then. Lets begin with teachers today.

Today and this today can include a decade or so more in recent past, the teaching is just like any other profession where people go to work do the work(teach) take their dues and theres nothing more to it. Do you this is wrong in this age of extreme professionalism?

I must say that my extended family has or had many teachers. My mom is a trained teacher but dropped the profession to take care of us the kids, My father is currently a visiting faculty so I have a ‘Shikshak’ at home only. And I see him work really hard to prepare notes, presentations(Few moths back my sister & I taught him MS PowerPoint) and books. But what he says is that most of the effort is not worth as noone is interested to ‘learn’.(Don’t worry guys even our teachers alleged that).

Today the teachers in private sector are paid a meager amount. So where do they get the motivation to ‘teach’, quite naturally they resort to other sources of income like tuition, writing suggestion books etc. I can talk about an incident where a college student asked the professor to teach from a particular suggestion book as it was easier for ‘him’ to study and the professor had to comply, as a complaint from the “high fees paying student” could have been detrimental for the professor’s own job itself. Sad right but true, Ok I am not trying defend or offend anyone but facts are facts. (Another allegation, now all the students must be looking for me to break my bones).

The scenario in government institutions is little different as “teachers” are selected through a ‘stringent’ selection processes and paid well but there too we have corruption. Which is used by teachers to get into ‘plum’ institutions. Like all other government employees govt. teachers too take their job complacently. Add to that the retirement age is so high. So what we get? Old & grumpy often sleepy teachers. (Now teachers are searching for me I guess).

All in all what I get is the situation is looking grim today. But is it really like that?

Now lets talk of teachers of Kal or yesterday, Now yesterday can be right from the beginning of civilization. Well in India the Guru-Shisiya (teacher-student) relation has been one of most sacred of the relations. So if we see down the lane there have been great gurus (teachers) in our mythology/history like Dronacharya, Chanakya equally great shisyas(students) Eklavya, Chandragupt. Recently I read a newspaper article where a group of high profile, well placed students of a revered teacher gifted him a new house as he could afford it. The students had paid their guru dakshina because he deserved it. I would like to express my gratitude to my English teacher for working on ‘me’ and not only improving my miserable English grades but inspiring me to keep writing in English.

So the point I am trying to make here is we should judge teachers in reflection.That is to see the quality of todays teachers we have to wait for few decades maybe when the students grow up and if they still remember or express their gratitude then we can say that they were great but by then they’ll be “Teachers yesterday” :D.

In end I would just say that teachers of today or tommorrow like yesterday will be good, bad and ugly the matter is who do you run into.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton are Vipul, Rajalakshmi, Ranee[1], [2], [3] , Avada, Indian Pundit, Sojo, Aneet, Pramathesh, Aativas, Sid, Pra, Ajinkya, Lakshmi, Govind, Shilpa, Bharathi, Shankar, Mytuppence, Azad, Pawan, Pankaja, Saimanohar, Guria, Shruti, Vishnu,Nasrajan and Richa. Click on their respective names to read their posts on Teachers : Aaj Kal. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

A Conversation to Remember!


I came over here to post and suddenly found that I can’t do it. Why? Read the following conversation.

CT is Chronicles of a Techie
DM is Moi

DM: Whats this nonsense why can’t I post?

CT: This one’s the 50th post so…

DM: Oh 50th so what?

CT: What planet are you from dude …I need something special for this post.

DM: Oh come on. Why?

CT: You missed the 25th post but this time I am not leaving.

DM: Bhai this will go on 50th then 75th then 100 so on…we’ll do something on your first Budday … promise…

CT: Thats very far…Abey while you posted the first post did you ever think you’ll reach here?

DM: I reached here mainly because of the Tags you see…I have started loving them….

CT: I don’t know…My Anndataas require something special.

DM: Your Anndataas?

CT: Readers you moron they are my mai-baap and I want to celebrate for them.

DM: What is this logic?

CT: Today no logic only magic *giggles*

DM shrugs : Ok bhai tell what you want me to do …. I can’t spend anything …

CT: Money can’t buy happiness you fool … I know you are super kanjoos and makhhi choos and….

DM interputing angrily : Shut up and just tell what you want?

CT: I want a “different” kind of post not like those boring ones you do day in and day out….and…

DM: Wait Wait What boring posts … Ask your “Anndaatas” … I do tags “differently” this 50th post is ‘different’…

CT: I know I know BTW this conversational style in not at all new or ‘different’…look at the title, always fooling my “Anndaatas”… anyway I knew you won’t be able to do much here but atleast you can give me new clothes so that I look more attractive….you Techies are very boring and don’t care about looks but world thinks different woh jumla pata hai na…”Pahle darshan dhari phir gun vichari”….

DM: Enough man you are crossing limits ….I too have some style sense …

CT Rolls on Computer screen laughing….

DM: Ok Ok let me see what I can do…

and DM starts searching for “clothes”….

DM: Buddy there are no good 3 column templates …

CT: Go for 2 column ones…

DM complains: But I have too many widgets …

CT: Thats your headache ….I don’t care….

DM aside badi muskil mein dal diya saale ne…

CT: Hey no cussing no cussing ….

DM: Hmmm… Sorry… can’t we do something else…

CT: Kya yaar can’t keep such a “small” request ….

DM: Yay! Got one! See how nice this one looks on you….

CT can’t stop laughing : I knew you’d screw up…. leave I’ll do something myself… you dumbo…

DM relieved : Well I’ll not be responsible if your “Anndaatas” run away….

CT: That we’ll see you go and sleep ….

DM retorts: What man… this is my blog ….

CT: I know you have done a lot now will you go and sleep let me talk to my “Anndaatas”

DM leaves in a jiffy

CT: Dear “Anndaatas” Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long… I know you understand what I have to deal with…. You know that is the Golden Jubilee post and I have new look also here’s few of my vital stats unique visitors 5000+, total Comments 350+, Indiblogger rank 77

Thank you Sirs and Madams for being so kind to me and my author. Honestly without you he couldn’t have come so far. Please keep coming back with your suggestions and I’ll try to make him write more interesting things(its a tough job I say but I’ll try my best).

Lastly and certainly leastly I have an announcement to make…. no I am not running out of business, as long as this guy’s here I am here…. The thing is this bugger has created two more siblings and they are :

Globetrotter Nama @ http://globetrotternama.blogspot.comThis one’s his travelogue where he writes about his travels.

Pappu’s Stories and Poems @ http://pappuwrites.choseit.comThis is where his fiction work goes most of which you have already read here….

I know its a little difficult to add a few more blogs to your already inflated lists but I’ll be grateful if you can pay a visit to my lesser known siblings as well though they are not updated regularly but still they exist. Actually I told this guy that I can handle all of them but …. He says he’s going to start a blog exclusively for tags…. tell me if he starts a blog for every category then what will he publish here….I tell you please give him some sane advice….he never listens to me…..

Meanwhile DM’s back and takes on the mantle.

Well folks CT took over for sometime but I am back and will be in control now on….yeah do tell how you liked the “clothes”.

Also on this “auspicious” occasion I would like to Thank  Sid for the awards after tags this one has left me really elated.

The awards are :

The international Blogger Community


The I love your blog


The One Lovely Blog


And as they say happiness grows if its shared so I pass this award to  Mou, Atul, Pal, Shilpa, SM, Paritosh, Priti, Toya, Govind, shoobhayan, Rashmi [She too is back & happy]. Friends if you have received this earlier(may be a longtime back!) then there is no harming in getting it once again.

The other names who have already been awarded by Sid
Roshmi,Adesh Sidhu, Mukund,Kaddu, Vipul Grover, Nikita, Shruti, Shankar , Indian Pundit .
Wait it doesn’t end here *smiles meekly* Shilpa has awarded me the The Zombie Chicken Award. Thank you so much Shilpa for the honour!!!


I pass on this award to whoever has not received it and is reading this marathon post.

Finally this is actual end. Please forgive me for such a long post.

Thank God for making the family complete !!!


I still remember that day when I had gone to hospital to ‘see’ you. I was very excited as I was told that I’ll have a playmate but you were so small and I thought How could you be one . Then I grew ‘jealous’ of you because you had grabbed “my place” which I had enjoyed for four years. I had snatched away the pillow which was ‘mine’ but was given to you and you didn’t protest. I had tried to harm you many ways but you always smiled at me innocently.

Then came a time when you were little bigger and would be walking wobbly behind me and I was proud to have my first ‘follower’.  You were always a quite one and I was the ‘bully’. Well that didn’t mean it was an unequal fight because you were strong enough to ‘strike’ back and mostly I used to retract my steps. When parents were praised for having so ‘nice’ children who never fought and they would just smile knowing how off mark those people were and we would giggle that how good ‘actors’ we were. You liked to refer me by my name and  inspite of being taught to you to call “Dada”. You were Mom’s “spy” and would report to her all my ‘misdeeds’ but I could never complain.

tying_the_rakhi_orig-150x150Those teenage years when my job was to ‘escort’ you and for the first time I understood what a responsibility meant and How the world is for ‘girls’ then eventually you got ‘independent’ and moved to a different city and we would be only talking over phone but still you were one who always called me and not the other way.

Now you have a career and I have the job of being your guide against those ‘office politics’ and believe me I too learn so many things while suggesting you the ‘solution’. Soon you’d be with your ‘soul-mate’ and I sincerely pray to God that ‘he’ keeps you Happier than ‘us’.

Chup_saaleToday when you tied the “Rakhi ” personally after a couple of years as you are here and I gave you that “Chup Saale” T-shirt which I want you to wear and tell the world to “Be Quite” otherwise your “Big Brother” shall take care of them.

I am proud that you are more talented and all the dad’s painting and artistic skills transpired to you. This year Raksha Bandhan is on during the ‘Friendship week’ and you are one of my ‘best’ friends. You know everything but still this blog is now a part of my life and many of my life’s events are being “Chronicled” here.

I thank god for ‘gifting’ you to me and making the family picture complete Mother, Father,1  Son, 1  Daughter. Just perfect.
Do I still need to say “HAPPY RAKSHA BANDHAN” dear lil sis !!!

PS: Wanted to use ‘Rakhi’ in place of “Raksha Bandhan” but nowadays this term in search throws up some other results specially after that “swayamvar” thingie !

Suddenly on the road …


Today is Friendship day like so many other “days” imposed on us by West shall I say. A day when we wish and Thank people whom we call “Friends” and  in today’s world it can be a huge list with a lot of categories as well for reference you can read Adesh‘s post.

I am attaching a beautiful song by Sumon(now rechristened himself as Kobir Sumon) a very popular Bengali singer who revolutionized the Bengali modern songs and now is a MP from my neighboring constituency back in my hometown. Actually we grew up listening and idolizing his songs. The song’s called “hatat rastay” which literally means “suddenly on the road”.


Here’s the lyrics :

Hatat Rastai Office oncholey
hariye jawa mukh chomke diye bole
bondhu ki khobor bol
koto din dekha hoyni – 2

purono dokane bigoto adday
bigoto jogda bigoto thatay
bondhu ki khobor bol
koto din dekha hoyni

Hatat Rastai Office oncholey
hariye jawa mukh chomke diye bole
bondhu ki khobor bol
koto din dekha hoyni
koto din dekha hoyni

Dola dolir din gola golir din -2
hatat okarone hense othar din
bondhu ki khobor bol
koto din dekha hoyni

harano letti harano lattu
somoy chole jay beyara tattu
bondhu harano letti harano lattu
somoy chole jay beyara tattu
bondhu ki khobor bol
koto din dekha hoyni

somoy chole geche ebong cholche
cholti jiboner golpo bolche -2
palte geli tui amio palte
giyechi majh pothe hante hante
bondhu ki khobor bol
koto din dekha hoyni

Hatat Rastai Office oncholey
hariye jawa mukh chomke diye bole
bondhu ki khobor bol
koto din dekha hoyni
koto din dekha hoyni


which roughly translates to :

Suddenly on the road in office area
Long lost face startled to say
Friend how are you
haven’t met for so long

In the old shop in the past discussion
past fights past jokes
Friend how are you
haven’t met for so long

Suddenly on the road in office area
Long lost face startled to say
Friend how are you
haven’t met for so long
haven’t met for so long

days of teaming up days of walking hand in hand
days of laughing out suddenly without any reason
Friend how are you
haven’t met for so long

long lost toy “Top” long lost “Top string”
time passes like a unruly horse
Friend long lost toy “Top” long lost “Top string”
time passes like a unruly horse
Friend how are you
haven’t met for so long

time has passed and is passing
narrating everyday story of life
You have changed so have I
in the midway while walking together
Friend how are you
haven’t met for so long

Suddenly on the road in office area
Long lost face startled to say
Friend how are you
haven’t met for so long
haven’t met for so long

I have just done the literal translation but couldnot translate the soul of the song as I am incapable of it.

This song is for those long lost “Friends” in this digital age, “Friends” whom I long to meet some day “suddenly on the road” and say “How are you friend haven’t met for so long”.


Heres the song if you want to listen:

The Cream and Scum of Blogging


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 1 , the first edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

First of all Thanks to Vipul and the initiators at Blog-a-ton for coming up with such a great idea of community blogging or  marathon of bloggers. So the topic of this first edition of Blog-a-ton is the title. Enough of introduction now lets get to the original topic.


I am a 5 month old blogger and my experience of blogging has been full of ‘Cream’ with not much of  ‘Scum’.

So what I have gained from blogging ? Nothing in cash but a lot in kind. That is kind words of praise from all my fellow bloggers/readers or FBs (Friends from Blogoshpere).

My writing skills are improving I guess. I am able to express my ideas in a better way now. This one’s become a very good hobby. I am learning a lot of new things through the different blogs I am reading.

Honestly after I started working and the bondings with my friends from student life loosened I was more concerned about information and updates about my work and profession. Somehow I was getting out of synch.
Actually in my hometown Kolkata as a student I was equipped with powerful tool called ‘Adda’ that is the informal discussion between a group of people. In those “addas” we discussed every damn thing under the sky and above it too. I find the blogs are somewhat an extension or rather a modern form of the “adda” with a much larger audience.(Don’t we express our opinions and discuss on  so many things in our blogs?)

To cut the long story short its has been a very rewarding experience and honestly after a long time I look forward to something with excitement that is to read and write a blog.

“Scum” till date I have not come across other than the larger Internet bill and inflated power bills and the “dark circles” under my eyes (come on I am still single and nowadays women go for looks as well what say ladies? Should I worry for the dark circles or not?) from those late night session of blogging.

To conclude I must say that I am enjoying every bit of it and hope do so for long. And thank you all for being so kind with me so long, keep raining those comments. Happy Blogging. Bloggers ki JAI HO !!!

The fellow Bloga-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton are Arjuna, Saimanohar, Dhiman, Vipul Grover, Avdi, Daisy Blue, Sid ‘Ravan’ Kabe, Shankar, Shilpa Garg, Bharathi, Ranee, Ranee again and Pawan. Click on their respective names to read their posts on The Cream and Scum of Blogging. To be part of the next edition of this online marathon, visit and start following Bloga-Ton.

Image courtsey:

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